Kaden James

Kaden James

Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeling Kaden Move

I was talking with a friend over the weekend who expecting her first child in September and we got to talking about feeling the baby move. I didn't get to feel Kaden move much because he was born so early but I was lucky in getting to feel him move. It is such a different feeling. I can't describe it. I first got to feel him start moving when I was about five months along and Kaden was born a month later-at 28 weeks.

I remember many times just sitting there feeling him move around and watching him move from one side to the other. You could just see him move across my belly, if you have never seen it, it is amazing. I never knew that is was hard where the baby was and softer everywhere else. My cousins always wanted to feel him move but he hardly ever moved when people were around. (feel free to share your memories of feeling him move in the comment section here. I would love to hear them!)

There was one time when I was at home just laying on the couch, I was on my left side and one of my cats was laying next to me up against my belly and Kaden kicked her. She looked like what the hell was that and ran off. Kaden's father hates cats so I had to tell him right away and he said "that's my boy!" Another time, the first time Kaden's father got to feel him move, we were sleeping and I was on my side and his father had his hand on my belly. We were both sound asleep and Kaden kicked right where his father's hand was. It woke us both up and his father said "what was that?" I said "that is the baby waking us up. He is awake and wants us to be too I guess."

I never wanted to feel my friend's babies move, it kinda weirded me out but when Kaden started moving it was so wonderful. Everyone wanted to feel it. My family didn't care, it was like my belly was theirs, they felt it and talked to Kaden whenever they wanted, They were all so excited to have Kaden. He was loved from the first second I told them I was having a baby. Everyone had big plans for him, They actually even let me make some of the plans!

Kaden's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. It is an amazing feeling to see and feel the baby move. That is my favorite part of being pregnant. Everyone would get excited when they felt Sami move.
    Sami moved constantly, I would say she thought she was Ariel from the Little Mermaid, lol. When I was 36 pregnant they had to do an amnio to remove some the extra fluid I had in my belly (4 liters to be exact). They had to an ultra sound while doing it, you can actually see the needle and there was Sami kicking away, the nurses were so worried she was going to poke her little foot. It was scary and funny at the same time, she was one active little girl. Oh how much I miss her right now.
