Kaden James

Kaden James

Monday, March 15, 2010


Since I have started this blog so many things have been going on in my head. I have been struggling lately and I am thinking it is because I am replaying every little thing and thinking about how things should be different. There is still not a day that goes by that I don't cry. All weekend long I didn't want to do anything but I made myself. I did have a good time and I am glad I did stuff. I am still not over the guilty feelings that I have the day after I go out and do things and have a good time. I am working on it and it is better but it is still there. I would trade all the fun times to have Kaden back.

Kaden's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks great. I also feel guilty for having good days but really we shouldn't. It's hard not to feel that way. There are days when I cry because I hadn't cried all day! Go figure. This is all process that we just to adjust to somehow. I hope you have better days soon. Thinking of you and Kaden.
